Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Charlie Sheen

At first, I have to admit I did get a kick out of all of the Charlie Sheen news. But after weeks of his daily unpredictable behavior I wish he would just go away.

Why do we give someone so crazy and dysfunctional so much air time? Doesn't that just encourage his reckless behavior? Doesn't 20/20 have better things to report on? It says a lot about the priorities of American Society and our media.

The "goddesses" are not even close to anything I would call pretty or attractive. They have no morals or values. Really Bree Olsen? You would marry Charlie Sheen after he has been accused/convicted of assault and battery of at least 2 ex wives? Smart move!

I am glad that Warner Bros. decided to fire him, he deserves it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Change is Possible

I have not written in a while because I started a new job in August. If you recall, I absolutely hated my last job. It was really starting to make me depressed and I could not even get out of bed in the morning. Sunday nights were the worst - I had a pit in my stomach anticipating Monday morning.

One of things that I hate the most is when people complain and do nothing about it. When I first realized I did not like my job I first tried to change my mindset . That worked only temporarily though. I eventually realized that this job was just not the right fit. I was so unhappy that every single day I would apply for as many jobs as I could. I would even apply for jobs that I was slightly under qualified for.

I applied for four months without hearing hardly anything back. I started to think I was stuck there. I even considered going back to the job I had before that one - since that was still an option. Then one day out of the blue I got an email from the General Electric company. I had applied to GE in the past and never heard anything in response. This time they were asking for an interview. I was ecstatic. This gave me so much hope and I had a feeling that it was meant to be. The funny thing is - that same week another company MVP Health care also called me for a interview. It is true - when it rains it pours! Sometimes patience really does pay off!

I ended up interviewing with both companies and I chose to work as a Financial Analyst at GE. So far, this has been the best job that I've ever had. It is funny how you change as you get older. When I was 22 and starting out - I thought I was going to stay within that organization that I started with for the rest of my life. I am an extremely loyal person and when I dedicate myself to something I really commit to it. However, over time I started to realize that I had dedicated myself to a place that did not want to give me what I wanted in return. Basically the return on investment was about zero, maybe even less than zero. I just did not feel like I was going anywhere with my life. I felt like I was floating.

I finally feel like a have a career, not just a job, but an actual career. I am busier than ever and I am challenged everyday - which is a great place to be. Although I have to work extremely hard - I think that is better than sitting around and being bored in a position where I am not sure where I am going to end up.

Now it took me about 6 years to get to this point in my life. I experienced many of ups and downs along the way. I have seen people that are so unhappy but yet they cannot get out of their own way. If you are unhappy, but afraid to make a change how can you expect to ever be happy? I look at jobs as stepping stones rather than a place where I will be forever. If you stay in a position where you are not happy and your employer is not giving you what you want - you should look for something else. When you are willing to make a change - good things can happen. Things you never could even imagine.

Change is possible - you just have to be willing to take a risk. Change can be uncomfortable and scary. However, I've learned in life that if you are feeling uncomfortable with a change or experience - it often means that you are actually growing. I believe we need to keep growing in our lives to stay happy. If you find yourself complacent - it probably means it is time for a change! And if the first change doesn't work or isn't making you happy - make another change! My guess is you will look back and be amazed at where these steps have gotten you. Plus it makes life more exciting! Don't you want good stories to tell your kids and grand kids?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Motivational Quote of the Day

"A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future."

- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why Worrying is a Waste of Time

This past 4th of July weekend, I went golfing with my boyfriend. I had not been golfing in a while and we did not go to the driving range beforehand. I just decided to get out on the course and play. Well - the first two holes were pretty bad for me. It looked like I had never played a round of golf before in my life!

I felt anxious to play well and the harder I tried and the more I thought about it, the worse I did! I felt enraged inside that I could not hit a decent shot and I could feel myself getting angrier and angrier with each failed shot I took.

After the second hole, my boyfriend - who was not having fun due to my horrendous showing - decided we should take a break and regroup. We sat on a bench and let another group play through for about 10 minutes. I got a drink, let myself relax for a little bit and we started again on the third hole.

From that point on I played much better and started having fun. The ironic part about this was that once I actualy did relax, I didn't even have to think when I was hitting the ball. The more relaxed I was with my swing the better my hits became. It felt effortless to hit a good shot.

I began thinking about how easy it seemed right then and also about how hard it was on the first two holes no matter how hard I tried. It made me think about how silly it was that I was putting so much pressure on myself to hit a great shot, but then when I relaxed I actually did hit a great shot.

In that moment I had an epiphany about golf and more importantly about life! Worrying and anxiety take you totally out of the game. You cannot think straight when you are worrying or anxious. I realized that while you should always try your hardest at whatever you are doing, overthinking things or trying too hard can actually back fire. It is best in life to try and not worry about the outcome of whatever you are doing, but to simply try your best, relax, have fun. Usually if you do those things you will get the outcome you want. If you worry though and try too hard, usually the opposite of what you actually want to happen - will.

It seems counterintuitive doesn't it? But if you look at my simple example on the golf course, it is easy to see how this method of thinking and acting can actually benefit you in most aspects of you life.

So stop worrying - relax and have fun! Things would turn out much better for all of us if we could learn how to do this and we would all enjoy our lives so much more in the process! Worrying is simply a waste of time when really there is so much fun to be had instead!

Motivational Quote of the Day

"Training is the opposite of hoping"

- Nike

Friday, July 2, 2010

10 Useful Tips for Interviewing

1) Arrive 10-15 minutes early. You do not want to make a bad first impression by arriving late for an interview.

2) Look presentable. Always wear a suit.

3) Start with a solid resume.

4) Know what is on your resume and be able to speak in specifics about your experience including examples of what you have done.

5) Be confident. Even when you are being asked tough questions do not let the interviewers rattle you. Stay confident and answer the questions as best you can. You are there for a reason. If you did not have something they like then you would not be there in the first place.

6) Sell yourself. No one else is going to believe in you unless you believe in yourself first. Let the interviewers know what they will gain by hiring.

7) Know your strengths and weaknesses. It is common to be asked what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses.

8) Have an idea of what your career goals are. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? in 10 years? These are common interviewing questions and it is useful for you to know this for your own goal accomplishments anyway.

9) Ask intelligent questions that show your passion and interest in the position.

10) Always send a thank you note to the interviewers stating your appreciation for their time and restate your skills and interest in the position.

There are many questions you could be asked in an interview. However, if you consider at least these 10 tips before going on an interview you are at least starting with a solid foundation. Starting off on the wrong foot can sway the entire interview the wrong way, so make sure you have the basics covered for your own comfort and success!